Monday, July 5, 2010

"First Black AD in the SEC let go after DUI and Cheating on his wife" by Ronald Carthen

Damon Evans you let me, your family, friends, University of Georgia, alumni, students, and most importantly any black man who wants to become an athletic director down. Come on man did Tiger Woods not teach all men anything? I guess not in this case.

I was not happy to hear that University of Georgia Athletic Director Damon Evans, the first black athletic director in the SEC, was let go after getting arrested for a DUI charge. Evans was hired in 2004. when he was 34 years old, and was about to get a new deal worth $550,000 a year, but now all of that money is down the drain. My main concern isn't the DUI, it's a woman that you were creeping around with when you were caught.

Evans you have a wife and two children and you decide to risk everything for a night or two of passionate sex with Courtney Fuhrmann. You claim she was just a friend you meet with each week, but no friend just takes off her panties and put them on your lap while driving so you can hold them for her while driving her home. You knew you were ready to take her to the house with plenty of nasty bad intentions.

To all men who are happily married, please do not sleep with another woman because you will get caught sooner or later. Just because another woman wants to have sex with you does not give you the right to grant her wishes while you have a wedding ring on your finger. You are looking to destroy your career, your family, your home, and your finances. Let me say that again "YOUR FINANCES!!!!!"

To all women who want to sleep with married men, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Just because you know he's financial secure, don't give you the right to sleep with him. You are just as wrong as he is and you will suffer some consequences as well. You are also the cause of destroying a happy home and believe me children, especially when they are adults, do not like anybody trying to ruin their parents marriage.

I'm not a love doctor but I know when you break a good woman's heart they will prevail at the end no matter what. Evans you screwed up big time and I hope your wife will forgive you and maybe you can have a chance to save this marriage or you could be broke after a divorce. Good luck looking for a AD job, it's going to be tough for you to get one for a while.

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