Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Message to LeBron: Win NOW or move ON by Chris Wallace

It's been 7 years now since the NBA has been taken by storm by perhaps the most physically gifted athlete the game has even seen. Each season, LeBron James has gotten better.....and better.....and better.....Now on the brink of winning his 2nd consecutive MVP award and leading his team to the NBA's best record for the second consecutive season, it seems like everything is lining up for this sooner or later-to-be all-time great. But even just 7 years in, it seems like time is actually running OUT doesn't it? Last year was supposed to be the year when the Cavs broke through and LeBron was to win his first title and signify a new era in the NBA. But of course the Orlando Magic, with quite a physically gifted athlete of its own, spoiled those plans, sent James packing for the summer and watched as he stormed off the court in disgust. To his credit, James appears to have come back stronger, better and more ready than ever to take his Cavs through a title run. But if this is the year he's supposed to do it and he DOESN'T win, what happens next? Does he carry the "choke" torch that seems to follow some of the greatest athletes of all-time around (Dan Marino, Karl Malone, Barry Bonds, etc etc). Does he take over first place overall in the "Best athlete never to win one" category? What really will happen?

Even at 6'8 and 250, 260 or 270 pounds (whatever he REALLY is), LeBron can't even continue to carry the heavy burden of having not won a game of significance in his career. Not to mention, his pending free agency HAS to be weighing heavily on his mind (unless he's already made up his mind and is just keeping us all waiting). Seriously, if he loses again in Cleveland, does he stay there with aging players? Shaq won't be back...Jamison isn't getting any younger...Hickson won't be THAT good...Mo Williams plays defense just about as good as Steve Nash...there's nothing to do in Cleveland...he's more marketable (as crazy as that sounds) on a larger stage such as Miami, L.A. or New York and would almost CERTAINLY play alongside another superstar such as D. Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudamire or another unnamed star. His earnings could be in the gazillions. And his global popularly could become iconic. Of course these are all hypotheticals until something actually happens but in the meantime, if the Cavs don't win the last game that they play this season, all that will matter is that LeBron failed AGAIN in Cleveland, and quite frankly, that would be EVERY reason to bounce and move on to the next challenge. Have at it!


Anonymous said...

"JJ Hickson won't be that good".....what makes you say that? Even without Shaq, theyre the best team in the league. They have a GM that will do whatever it takes to put the right players in place. Do I smell hate?


Jocosm said...

The Knicks better hope Lebron loses/chokes in Cleveland or it will further cement that Franchise as the worst in all of professional sports when he stays in Cleveland. I for one do not see Wade joining Lebron either. The Chicago market is calling Wade. They let go of Salmons and Gordon and have cleared up quite a bit of space themselves to attract Wade and Bosh. Here are some of the Pros and Cons of the NY situation.


•Plenty of room left to sign more stars


•Lots of Dough and nothing to spend it on
•No Depth
•Lack of Leadership
•NO FANS!-Ten more years of mediocrity

The Knicks got Tracy McGrady and basically traded away Jordan Hill and their next two draft picks. If Tracy McGrady can return to the same player he once was, this is a great deal for the Knicks, because then they would have the opportunity for LeBron, and T-Mac to all be on the court at the same time. Combine that with up and comers like David Lee and Wilson Chandler and they have got themselves a nice group to build on.

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